– Nurturing a Culture of Work
The right space can nurture a work style best suited for the task at hand. Whether a company values transparency or privacy, collaboration or heads-down focus, a social space can dynamically be reconfigured to stimulate the work modality that best maximizes productivity and improves wellbeing.
It’s what Dr. Rob Goffee and Dr. Gareth Jones, professors of organization behavior, refer to as “the organization of your dreams.” Goffee and Jones believe that a company does its best work when it adheres to the following six principles: nurture the individual needs of employees, communicate openly and clearly, add value to rather than extract value from employees, stand for something bigger and with purpose, make the work intrinsically meaningful, and create rules people can believe in. As applied to workplace design, it can be the difference between a homogenous environment that is prescriptive and controlling and a dynamic workplace that is liberating and empowering.